Clinics We Offer


Diabetic Clinic


  • Annual reviews will take place during the month of your birthday
  • You will be invited to attend a 15minute appointment, where all the physical checks will be undertaken e.g. blood tests, blood pressure, weight and feet checks etc
  • A follow telephone appointment with be booked  with one of the Diabetic team  to discuss the results- Some patients may need to have a Face-to Face review instead.

Of course if you have any urgent diabetic queries or concerns, please contact the surgery

a baby lying on a bed

Family Planning and Cervical Smear Tests

If you require a smear test, make an appointment with our practice nurses who will accommodate requests for a convenient time. Ideally, the smear should be taken 14 days after the first day of your period.

Pill checks are currently booked as telephone consultations. Coils and contraceptive implants can be fitted following a telephone consultation with a clinician.

Immunisations Clinic

Baby and children’s immunisation clinics are run every week by appointment, you will be contacted when your child’s immunisations are due. If you have any queries please contact reception who can send a message to the nurses.

an ash tray with cigarettes

Stop Smoking Service

Please click here for more information 

Stop smoking services can massively increase your chances of quitting for good. We offer one to one appointments with expert advisors providing a range of proven methods to help you quit. Advisors will provide accurate info, advice and support. We offer easy to obtain treatments such as nicotine replacement therapy.

Leg Ulcer Clinic 

Patients are referred from both THC and Lovemead if a wound on the lower leg has not healed in 4 weeks. You will then attend our clinic until your wound is healed. 

Once your ulcer is healed we continue to see you every 6 months for a routine Doppler and Hosiery change. 


Community Nurses

The Practice is supported by a team of District Nurses who care for patients in their homes. The surgery can facilitate care that is required in the home by a district nurse.

Community Pharmacist

The Practice is fortunate to have Boots the Chemist on its main premises. However you can choose to use any chemist in town. Please let us know and we can update your preference.

The Pharmacist is a valuable resource. They are on hand to help with any queries regarding medication or minor ailments.  Please try to make them your first port of call.  

Maternity Information

Pregnancy care is coordinated by RUH Maternity via Chippenham, Frome, Paulton and Trowbridge Maternity Units.

Please register for pregnancy care by clicking the link below.

a person having their blood pressure taken

NHS Health Checks

For more information on this service please visit

Ear Irrigation 

We are no longer able to provide this service at the Health Centre please click here Blocked Ears self care for information about self help and alternative local clinics 

Other Services

In addition to the above we are also able to arrange for you to see physiotherapists, chiropodists, dieticians etc.